sábado, 27 de junio de 2009

My blogging experience

My blogging experience was interesting. Using technology in class is very fun and motivating for the students. In the Englsh class to use the computer lab is a privilege, because this is very different from studying in a classroom and learned to write in a notebook.

I like to write about my thoughts, because I could learn about myself. In my blog I do and that is what I love about this tool on the Internet.

I do not like my blog is public, because I do not want anyone could read it.

I think my experience was very good blog, because I learned new things and write of my past and my future in my blog.

viernes, 26 de junio de 2009

Schools kill creativity

This talk is approaches the creativity and how the system of education that we have today isn`t prepared to promote it since it considers it unnecessary , in other words the system we have today seems to be more focused in academical abilities that can be useful in a labor context devaluing in many cases subjects so important as arts and other ways to expression.
Also talks how education has made us afraid to being wrong and how this limits our creativity making a barrier that prevents us a behavior creative this is very important if we start from the fact of the huge talen that every children have.
Finaly it takes to us to reformulate the concept of intelligence that it describes like diverse,by the way we perceive the world, dynamic given the relation between one idea and another, and it's distinct for every person and how the person develops it and explodes it.

miércoles, 24 de junio de 2009

My ideal job

My ideal job in the future was to work in a School in Santiago. The qualities and skills that would need for this job are study and loves the pedagogy. The career of pedagogy is very interesting and nice. I study Pre School Education and Basic Initial and every day I fell more love for my career.
I think that this career is very good for me. Because I will think that the initial education is my vocation and a also is very good for me because the pedagogy is the discipline most interesting in the world. The most difficult is be a cretive for invent motivational activities fro childrens.

My favorite subject

My favorite subject in the university is "Dance". The teacher Yazna Lepe is responsible of this subject. She is a very good teacher. I like this subject very much because is very interesting and funny for me.

In the beginning of this semester I was very sick. Is for this reason that I couldn't dancing.

In this moment I be very happy, becuse I fell well again and I cant do this movements.

The activities in the class are varied, and in this time I have learned to dancing and relax me.

Today with mis my partners we dancing in the class. The presentation difficult but nice.

martes, 16 de junio de 2009

My future

In my future I want to be a Teacher of Pre School Education and Basic Initial and also I want to study Education in Spanish in the University Of Chile too. I want to work in a good school in Santiago, near of my house.

In my future I also want to have a beautiful apartment in the center of my town. In this place I want to be a happy woman. I want to be mother of two childrens. That's my big dream.

The best in my area

The best in my area is Paulo Freire. He was a theorist of education. He was born in Recife, Brasil in september of 1921. He was study philosophy and psychology of language in your country. Then, he was job in the Departament of Education and Culture in Pernambuco, Brasil.

Paulo Freire was interested in tech to read and write to poor persons, because he wen think than the education was a very important thing for the people.

I like Paulo Freire, because he was a teacher committed with the vulnerable people.

miércoles, 10 de junio de 2009

My career

I chose my career because I like the pedagogy, but I was very interested in a study Pedagogy in Lenguaje y Comunicación in the University of Chile too, but this was not possible for many reasons. So I was decided study Pre School Educatión and Basic Initial in my University, because the subjects are very interesting for me.

I like my career very much. I like my practices, my subjects and my evaluations.

I dislike don´t have the necesary time for to realice activities motivate for me. For example, write about the poor school. This is my new proyect.

My professional expectation for the future is be a teacher very commited with the Initial Education, because this is important for the Chilean Education.